One K-Market merchant stopped kids bullying each other in his store and declared it a Bullying Free Zone. The idea was scaled into an operational model for the chain of almost 800 stores. The idea appealed to the public and generated action, dialogue and concrete action. It improved brand value and strengthened the K-Market brand. K-Market reached the top 10 list of responsible brands. The campaign received the Finnish Public Health Award and was chosen as the Safety Action of 2021.
Brändistrategiaan mainiosti istuva ja toimialalta poikkeava, oivaltava konsepti ja toteutus. Täydellinen case-esimerkki, miten iso toimija voi puuttua ja ylläpitää keskustelua todella isosta ja vakavasta ilmiöstä. Hieno tarina ja tärkeä avaus.
tuomariston perustelut, pronssi